Anura’s Government focuses on strengthening ties with the Middle East – Hon. Arun Hemachandra, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Employment

Arabic, spoken by over 450 million people and holding official status in nearly 25 countries, is a global language with immense cultural significance. I am happy to take part in this historic event where the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Colombo commemorates the significance of the World Arabic Language Day. Exactly 51 years ago, on a day like today …

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Birth Centenary of Comrade Prins Gunasekera and the Relaunch of “A Lost Generation: Sri Lanka in Crisis: The Untold Story” – Lionel Bopage

Dear Comrades and Friends, I would like to extend my gratitude to Comrade Prins Gunasekera’s daughter, Mrs. Geshni Gunasekera, for inviting me to deliver a message on this special occasion of the birth centenary of the late Comrade Prins Gunasekera and the re-publication of his valuable work.

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