Sri Lanka passport gains five places to rank world’s 91st

Sri Lanka’s passport has leaped five ranks in the latest Henley Passport Index 2025, landing at 91st place, according to the latest rankings released by Henley and Partners.Sri Lanka shares the 91st spot with Iran and South Sudan with a visa-free score of 42.

The rise in position is also an improvement from its rankings of 100th in 2023, 102nd in 2022 and 107th in 2021.The Henley Passport Index, considered the most authoritative ranking of global passports, and assesses the number of destinations their holders can access without prior visas.

The top spot in the index is held by Singapore with a visa-free score of 193, followed by Japan and South Korea sharing second place with a visa-free score of 190, whilst the third spot was shared among Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain with a visa-free score of 189, making them the world’s most powerful passports.

Regionally, Maldives ranked 52nd position with visa-free score of 93, India ranks 80th, Bhutan 83rd, Bangladesh 93rd, Nepal at 94th spot, and Pakistan stands at 96th place.

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